Rachel Fulton Brown

Department of History

The University of Chicago


MA Theses Advised



·      Lisa Hydo, “The Queste del Saint Graal: A Fusion of Pagan and Christian Traditions.”  Department of History.



·      Anthony Perron,“From Lord to Pastor: Archiepiscopal Change in Denmark, 1178-1224.”  Department of History.

·      Garry Nokes, “Clerical Oaths and Papal Administrative Authority in the Crusade Tax Collection of 1274.”  Department of History.



·      Kimberly E. Setze, “Human Agency and Christian Identity in Medieval Exempla Narratives.”  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      Jessie Sherwood, “The Convert and Conversion: The Autobiography of Hermannus quondam Iudaeus.”  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.



·      Genviève Morrill, “Brides of Christ: Virgins and their Vocations.  Dialogues on Identity Construction in Two Twelfth-Century Cloisters.” Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.



·      Gretchen Elda Martin (Jones), “Feudalism and Clientship: English-Welsh Political Relations 1150-1200.” Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.



·      John Jacob Diehl, “Monk as God: A Study of Cistercian Anagogy.”  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      Alice Eckstein, “‘And since love never comes to an end, you will not forget me for ever’: Death and Mourning in Cistercian Writing.”  Department of History.

·      Julian Hendrix, “‘Suscipe domini’: Prayer for the Dead and Intercessory Prayer in Carolingian Monasteries.”  Department of History.

·      Caryn Elizabeth Hiltz, “The Siege of Malta: Military Myth or Reality.”  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.



·      Caitjan Gainty, “Contextualizing Violence in the Chronicles of the First Crusade: Denial, Accusation, Rationalization…and Acceptance?” Department of History.

·      Michael Tomczyk, “Charismatic Liturgical and Devotional Bodies of the Ottonian Empire.” Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      Sarah Marie Kaliski-Roll, “Sir Edmund Beckett’s ‘False Front’: Restoration and Memory at St. Albans Cathedral.”  Master of Arts Program in the Humanities.



·      Christopher Fletcher, “Holy Urgency: The Epistolary Theology of Gerhoh of Reichersberg.” Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      Roey Moran, "Gerbert of Aurillac and Medieval Literary Magic: A Study into the Links between Magic and the Pursuit of Knowledge.” Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.



·      Erin Elizabeth Chiasson, “Exegesis and mise-en-page: Reading the Eadwine Psalter.” Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      Torsten Edstam, “Ascending to God with the Help of Angels: Liturgical Devotion in the Fourteenth-Century Magical Text the Liber iuratus Honorii.”  Department of History.

·      Uri Shachar, “Conversion of the Holy Land and the Crusading Soul in William of Tyre’s History of the Deeds Done Beyond the Sea.”  Department of History.



·      Monika Collins [Crusader sermons].  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      Allison Drtina [Life of St. Bridget].  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      Caitlin Koford, “Love and the Catechumen: An Analysis of Augustine’s De Catechizandis Rudibus Liber Unus.”  Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.

·      David Friedman [The “ritual murder” of William of Norwich]. Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.



·      Rebecca Harwick, “Language, Knowledge, and Incarnation in Eriugena’s Biblical Exegesis.” Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences.



·      Felix Szabo, "Earthly Agents, Heavenly Ministers: Some Issues and Implications of Byzantine All-Eunuch Monasteries." Department of History.





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